Post by DMan on Feb 5, 2010 21:39:30 GMT -5
Let's get ourselves organized here in Charleston to work with Savannah truckers on a plan of action. I bet ILA president Kenny Riley at the Columbus St ILA hall would be willing to help if we ask. He has been involved before when truckers needed a hand or a hall to meet. I'm not to proud to ask for help again. Maybe this time Charleston drivers can take it all the way to home plate.
Post by tipM on Feb 9, 2010 9:09:23 GMT -5
i remember we had a few driver metings over there at that haul before. mr. riley spoke at some of thoese meetings. he is powerful speaker.
Post by thunderbird on Jun 19, 2010 17:09:46 GMT -5
I just read on Craig list there will be a driver meeting called at the ILA hall. Is this true? I 'm down with that as long as Teamsters have nothing to do with it. Everybody remember what happened a few years back? They dumped us and left town. I will attend the meeting at the ILA hall. Someone please post day and time.
Post by doggiebag on Jun 22, 2010 13:02:59 GMT -5
it's past time to get drivers back together. there is starting to be more freight than trucks to haul it. a few more months they will looking under every stone for truckers to move this garbage.
Post by jason on Jun 26, 2010 7:42:45 GMT -5
freight rates are going up so where is our stinking money? same ol bulls#^t at the sc ports. let's do something about it. we need savannh truckers to join with us this time.
Post by taylor on Jun 26, 2010 13:31:04 GMT -5
i haul out of wando terminal. i would like to see you guys on here call a meeting somewhere in charleston. how about help from ila workers to do this?
Post by stuckagainwithbadbox on Aug 14, 2010 15:23:15 GMT -5
It is past time to wake up men.
Charleston truckers UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by monkeywrench on Sept 1, 2010 10:37:12 GMT -5
bad box-bad chassis -no one pays.big problem with these ports is free work.many drivers say they not work free? don't kid yourself-if you pull these boxes you spend plenty time working for free