Post by shortcircut on Nov 18, 2008 21:31:06 GMT -5
first , you can't stop what I say or change my opinion of you . second, I have alot more backing , by both drivers and organizations than you do. so go away little boy before you get embarassed
Post by OOC on Nov 18, 2008 21:58:46 GMT -5
first , you can't stop what I say or change my opinion of you . second, I have alot more backing , by both drivers and organizations than you do. so go away little boy before you get embarassed Lol, you are laughable. I could care less about your personal opinions, or your disillusions. I'm suggesting you keep this forum professional. The more you continue, the more you show your ignorance , lack of professionalism , and maturity. More backing? You kid yourself. Anyways this isn't a personal competition. It's about the greater good. That's why no one wanted to work with you. Time to be an adult.
Post by shortcircut on Nov 18, 2008 22:08:01 GMT -5
talk all the trash you want little boy. I can back up my words . I hope the rest of the Va drivers don't fall for your B.S They are already starting to see that you are just talk, that is why the meeting you have have been averaging 3, 4 and maybe every once in a while up to 40 people like the last one.
Post by petedabroker on Nov 19, 2008 8:06:31 GMT -5
Shortcut, you and I know that all drivers, all companies and all owner operators will benefit from our program. Not just a few , but all. If a firm owns a truck , he/she too will have the same program. That driver will get less, for the simple reason, he/she does not own that equipment, but the gross money will be the same to the owner/carrier.
Just let OOC go. Its not worth the bother here. They got their direction, we got ours. So if they are doing really good for the drivers now, why is everything the same as it always was? That direction does not work. We know that, and they shall find it out. Just let them be, but do suggest since he is so vocal here, maybe we should get onto his site and give our opinions, then and only then shall we find out if we are being edited. Paul, nothing personal, I wish you luck. Honestly. Your going to need it.
Post by petedabroker on Nov 19, 2008 8:18:50 GMT -5
We here use the term Owner Operator quite a bit. Why? Because they will be the main group represented as drivers, but that is not to say that their companies are any less represented , nor is it to say those company drivers will not benefit. We are all one big ball of trucking here. Never will we distinguish between an owner and his or her driver. All one big happy family of the trucking community. We say OO, alot because they are the main group that has taken the brunt of the problems. Their firms were cheated by Steamship and hence they cheated the OO's out of their time and money. We understand those reason, we never agreed with them, but we do understand why. We represent the following:' Trucking Firms- who want and need to join into our union, their owner operators, and their company drivers. The whole kit and kabutal here. Relationships with Steamship, politicians, and piers come from a stance with power, not wishes, not hopes, and certainly not good intentions. Power moves the truckers along with total support and confirmed direction. That is all I shall say on this point, and leave the turd throwing to whoever wants to throw it.
Post by vamagicman on Nov 19, 2008 19:38:32 GMT -5
I can see where u get your name nickname shortcircut!!! You need to chill out a little. Do like the dieseljockey said. If they don't get their act together they'll be eaten live by the current membership soon enough. You know how drivers around here are anyway? No patients, short memory, want everything now type. All I have heard so far is old news under a different name so let nature take it's course and enjoy the view. Does anyone rally see any drastic change by the VIT monkeys in the near future. NO!
Post by shortcircut on Nov 19, 2008 19:41:57 GMT -5
diesel jockey, if you misunderstood my intentions, please accept my apology If you go back and read the pervious posts, to be nice, I'll call him a clown, that clown calls me personally in numerous posts a lier and says I make up roumors about his group. The point I have tried over and over to make, is, that to be heard is one thing , to be listened to and to be taken serious, you need to have the majority of people in your corner. Those guys think they will make a difference with less than 10 % of the drivers behind them. They can believe what they want. just like the groups before them , they are manuvered into a situation which benifits the ports. Now , so that EVERYONE understands what I mean, kindly ask Mr. Jim Stewart , formerly of the Teamsters. He is originally from the Hampton area, and has been in the industry since Moses walked on water He resided in the Savannah area now , but knows the people in the Hampton Roads container industry really well. To the other group, DO NOT LECTURE ME ANY MORE. I HAVE BEEN DOING THE CONTAINER THING ALOT MORE THAN THE MAJORITY OF YOU.
Post by shortcircut on Nov 19, 2008 20:27:12 GMT -5
back to getting hurt on the pier. Last July 13 , a container was being lowered to the berth from a gantry crane off of a ship. A ILA worker walked under it and the loaded container crushed him to death. he never bled out, it just pulvirized every bone in his body. His father was standing there , turned away from him, until he realized what happened. Ceres was fined by OSHA ( I believe $3500 for the accident) and appealed the fine. How much money is a person's life worth. Several years back, a trucker was crushed by a Transtainer crane at Maersk in Baltimore. The driver jumped out of his truck and pushed a ILA person who had fallen from the path of the moving Transtainer. He was crushed from feet up to his waste, yet lived for almost 2 hours before he died. Again , the fine from OSHA was appealed because Ceres felt the fine was too much. Again, how much is a person's life worth. The only one that I know that has successfully recieved any compensation from an accident ( so I am told) , was a HUDD driver who at the time, had a cab over Pete and was stepping down out of the cab , when the stradle carrier with a container, hit the chassis so hard, it knocked the driver from off of the side , resulting severe and permanent damage to his knee. He can't drive anything with a clutch now, so I am told. Personally, I feel , if we aren't covered by the Port's insurance ( which ever one we are in) , then we should not be put into an invironment in which injuries are so frequent.
Post by OOC on Nov 19, 2008 22:12:59 GMT -5
shortcircut, please make your point without turning this forum into a personal attack campaign against members of the Virginia OOC group. Remember, there are group members and a large number of guest looking at this site. I know if hardtime wasn't involved in a Florida driver meeting this week he would not want this type behavior taking place on the IODA forum. I don't understand what the OOC plan is about but I'm not going to launch an attack on their board members character because I disagree. If they are not doing what should be done or are doing something under handed I'm sure they will fail as many others have before. The Virginia drivers may soon abandon the group for other ideas if there are no results. This is an open forum but let's have some respect for each other even though we may strongly differ. Agreed. There is nothing to be found that is underhanded. The frustration occurs when judgment is cast and the facts are not known. To impose any change takes time and to grow driver participation. Some people do nothing more than lie back and state negatives. Our Idea is to support the positive, start through grass roots organization and develop meaningful strategy. Personal problems should be moved aside so as not to create a roadblock that affects potential progress that benefits us all. To reach the masses , you need the tools for communication. A good start has been made in that attempt. How do you raise participation from a few to many? Communication. So, to start we have developed those tools. If someone has questions you can educate yourself by taking a sec. to check things out. www.oocva.org check out the newsletter.
Post by shortcircut on Nov 20, 2008 5:24:32 GMT -5
Like I said clown, you keep calling me a lier and you will answer for that, I promise. Anyone else doubting me, I can back up the statistics , so look around, the drivers here will see who is lieing to them.
Post by petedabroker on Nov 20, 2008 7:58:55 GMT -5
Shortcut, No member of this board tried to lecture you in any manner. We make suggestions. We know you are a viable part of this movement. I believe , by answering , you are playing into those hands who might have other reasons for prodding. If you may leave it alone. The only thing it does is keep that ball rolling. Personally I would like to see that ball stop rolling. You know your position, we know you never lied here, thats all anybody needs to know. We are a team. Sometimes we say too much out of the frustration of the moment. I too am sometimes saying too much. I realized it would be best not to answer certain elements that post here. I believe each and every member of this site, grew up on the port in some form or fashion. Yes, we do know more than most. That is the very reason we are now taking a much different direction. Our lessons have been taught well. Sometimes you just got to cut your remarks and let it go. Our group knows you and that is all that is necessary here. We give everyone who has a desire to post , the same right as any other member of this board. That is the very reason we are so special. That however does not mean , we need to respond. Eye on the prize. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into that problem. We got our direction, he has his, just let it go. Please buddy.
Post by marine1 on Nov 20, 2008 11:09:14 GMT -5
Good morning everyone. I work as a ILA mechanic at the Virginia Marine Terminals. As a union employee for the past eight years I hear trucker complaints from inside the gates. I was a trucker before coming to work with the union and one that took part in the 1998 April 1st driver shutdown. While now currently full time employed as a union mechanic I still own two tractors leased to area motor carriers. As a union worker I am not the only Virginia ILA member that owns trucks at this port. I completely agree with the general population of truckers here that this port system is definitely broken. I however do not agree with the direction this new association is headed in order to fix the overall problems. It is apparent to me after reading their first newsletter this morning they have chosen to become another trade association. This falls short from being an effective tool that can advance the majority of truckers into sharing the benefits I enjoy as a member of the ILA. What concerns me most is the two drivers I have on my trucks along with many friends on the outside who may never have what I do as a union employee. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut or nose out of this forum but since I still do consider myself a trucker please accept my two cents worth to the conversation. You guys keep doing what you are doing and hopefully your plan of a trucker hiring hall will prevail. I can tell you there are many others here in Virginia looking at that structure as the word makes it way around.
Post by petedabroker on Nov 20, 2008 13:10:19 GMT -5
Marine1, Believe me brother your nose will be provided a tissue here and never a fist. Over the years, all my drivers, and myself have enjoyed the best that best can offer , related to the relationships with the ILA. Not one instance has there ever been, that I could not depend on the full support of my ILA friends and brothers. I realize you guys/gals put up with a vast array of dumb questions, having some drivers providing the intentions , they sort of need you to wipe their butts. I see this at the terminal. Not unlike trucking you have your air inspectors, great guys, funny as hell guys, nothing but work guys and everything in between. We know who butters our bread, who does us favors, and who are the friends, and who are the enemies.
Yes, we want and deserve full alignment with the ILA. That is the question but never the issue. When can we expect the same open arms you extend , from the powers to be? That is the real question. We recognize the loyalty between unions. But elements with you, need to recognize there is no such agreements with the teamsters, only complete and unadulterated contempt for that group. Never, and I shout never, shall we allow them to guide us into slaughter.
So what is the solution here. Your group voices need to sing from the highest of high for the complete and open armed welcome of this greatest of great trucking industry employee's, yes, employee's. Never to be considered as outside contractors again. We can work toward our goals together, in unison , hand to hand, singing the same song. Our full intention is to become part of the ILA. We have several roads we individually are heading. It needs to be the same road, same path, less obstacles. We keep getting different signals, they need to be the same. Yes , we have other alternatives, but none gives us that warm and cozy feeling the ILA could offer this group. So I suggest that the powers to be start hearing some of those ILA desires. I suggest with post haste , they are told in no uncertain matters, get the truckers in now. While the opportunity is 100% in favor of this agenda. If delays occur we shall be forced into another alternative, with another union, that has not the power, or insight of our path. It will be like all starting from scratch, however if we are forced to do such, plans are in place to make that happen. Love to hear more from you brother. My personal email is ANTS54@AOL.COM, name being Peter Creager III
Post by petedabroker on Nov 20, 2008 13:46:12 GMT -5
OK, I read the OOC newsletter. Let me turn back the pages 15 years, and I can give you newsletter of five different organizations that feed the same fodder to the OO's , then. Has anything charged? I leave the OO's to answer that one. Has any trucking firm reading here, gotten more profitable, more concessions, less time spent at the terminal? I again leave that unanswered here. You all fill in those blanks. They have the support of the OOIDA? Humm, good one there.
Several years ago, as I gave witness to an organization formed originally out of Baltimore, I concluded that, Steamship Lines love to keep talking. The whole time they are talking two things happen. One is the old story as to how can you tell they are lying, "their lips are moving", and the second part to that question is, as long as they are talking, truckers keep doing their jobs for free. They love to see everybody talking. They say talk is good. I say it lines their pockets with truckers gold, while taking jobs from the ILA.
When we do get this whole thing completed, we will be doing the talking, we will hold the hammer, and we will have no desire to listen. We shall explain the rules, we shall dictate the conditions, and we shall only hear silence from the lines. We shall state in no unequivocal terms, we been the ones getting f..ked, and now we are the f..kers. Lets see how much of that tip you can take. It will be done without the use of lubricants and no protections whatsoever. We will give out cards after the orgy, so you might have the opportunity to rate us from 1 to 10, ten being the greatest amount of pain endured. Personally I believe we will all be rated 10. I will tell you a story , told to me by a very wise man in my life and never forgotten. Two bulls were up on the hill, one being the old and one being the younger. The younger bull said to the elder bull, lets run down that hill and have sex with one of those cows. The older bull said, no my son, we shall walk down that hill and have sex with them all. Hey, Steamship lines, hey port officials, look over at that hill, two bulls are slowly making their way toward the ports.
Post by OOC on Nov 20, 2008 15:40:19 GMT -5
OK, I read the OOC newsletter. Let me turn back the pages 15 years, and I can give you newsletter of five different organizations that feed the same fodder to the OO's , then. Has anything charged? I leave the OO's to answer that one. Has any trucking firm reading here, gotten more profitable, more concessions, less time spent at the terminal? I again leave that unanswered here. You all fill in those blanks. They have the support of the OOIDA? Humm, good one there. Several years ago, as I gave witness to an organization formed originally out of Baltimore, I concluded that, Steamship Lines love to keep talking. The whole time they are talking two things happen. One is the old story as to how can you tell they are lying, "their lips are moving", and the second part to that question is, as long as they are talking, truckers keep doing their jobs for free. They love to see everybody talking. They say talk is good. I say it lines their pockets with truckers gold, while taking jobs from the ILA. When we do get this whole thing completed, we will be doing the talking, we will hold the hammer, and we will have no desire to listen. We shall explain the rules, we shall dictate the conditions, and we shall only hear silence from the lines. We shall state in no unequivocal terms, we been the ones getting f..ked, and now we are the f..kers. Lets see how much of that tip you can take. It will be done without the use of lubricants and no protections whatsoever. We will give out cards after the orgy, so you might have the opportunity to rate us from 1 to 10, ten being the greatest amount of pain endured. Personally I believe we will all be rated 10. I will tell you a story , told to me by a very wise man in my life and never forgotten. Two bulls were up on the hill, one being the old and one being the younger. The younger bull said to the elder bull, lets run down that hill and have sex with one of those cows. The older bull said, no my son, we shall walk down that hill and have sex with them all. Hey, Steamship lines, hey port officials, look over at that hill, two bulls are slowly making their way toward the ports. Pete, Food for thought. Regardless of strategy , nothing will work without being able to communicate to the driver community. So , until the tools exist to unite everyone, anything will be hard. That friend, is what we are trying to do. If all the drivers come together, we as an organization will support the direction of their interest. What do you mean " Good one there" about OOIDA support. That article was reprinted from Landline Mag. 1rst things first. Know what I mean. I have heard you lend much thought on our organization, but without being involved , there is much you don't know. In all fairness. Being that organization is the first step, why don't you lend your thoughts on some creative strategies for doing so. There is talk of past efforts failing. But, give some people the benefit of the doubt to see what can be accomplished. There is much to learn by looking at the past struggles and mistakes of others. Effectiveness can be gained from this wouldn't you say. I know what you would like to see happen, you have made that obvious. To accomplish that, would you agree that the majority of driver participation would be needed? To have the ability to "force" change? If that is the case would you not support an effort which stands a chance at making progress towards that? I thing many things have potential, but personally , to gain support by showing accomplishment I have geared up to try to tackle some things locally to get people talking. You gotta have a steaming plate of smelling good food to get someone in the kitchen. ( I just made that up Honest question here... The ILA certainly has the infrastructure and the resources to initiate a program such as you mentioned. Why haven't they done so? I think it's hard to convince someone to take what they perceive as a "chance" and if a program were to be implied by the ILA across the board with their direction and support it would be an easy sell. Why are they not doing so?
Post by petedabroker on Nov 20, 2008 18:47:01 GMT -5
Paul, Three things are certain in this world, the sun shall rise, at least for the next 100 years or so, uncle Sam shall always have his hand in your pocket, and our economy will tank in the next two to five months. All of those are a certainty.
Consideration of the last statement is what will have a dire effect on any hopes of organizing labor. During those times, most firms ask labor for reductions in salary, health benefits, and donations to pension funds. If they don't get such , they simply turn to scabs to handle their business. Scabs come with an attached problem in and of themselves. They lack knowledge, professionalism, and quite honestly a full understanding of both position and task. That period to educate far exceeds any reductions the company had asked of their unions , in terms of cost savings for the short period, but pays dividends only later. Upon firm becoming financially stable, again appears the unions. Its a cycle that has continued for generations after generations. The hungry get unions, the fat cats lose unions.
What we shall see , if truckers and their firms do not unionize now, is in fact the complete collapse of the trucking industry. As companies get hungry, quoted prices diminish dramatically, until the next thing kicks in which is supply and demand. What I mean there is, as firms go out of business, there comes a point in time, where the shipping demands out numbers the truckers available, (i.e.) the ones still in business. Then the survivors will be able to increase rates accordingly. Ok, that is my history lesson here.
The main purpose is to expose the need for control of pricing. If we fail to unionize, the tiger becomes the prey. We will cut each others prices, until almost all are out of business. When trucking fails, that is the single most service, in all of services, that would be needed to regain any semblances of order to the economy. The complete infrastructure would collapse around us. So yes, it is essential for the drivers to unionize now, keeping prices of drays to a higher level, keeping as many drivers working and good wages to boot or the FTC gives truckers to form associations to fix prices, by granting exemptions from Anti-Trust.
These pressures were not part of this original movement. The state of the economy has now directed, first of all an urgency, and secondarily a better understanding as to the need for trucking to survive. What do we do now, speak to steamship companies who have little to no business left? Do we talk to ports who are doing their level best to stay open. I am not speaking of perceived collapse, I am speaking of confirmed collapse. Desperate men , do desperate things. Including rate destruction. I did not say rate reduction, I said rate destruction.
If you been reading my post here, I told everyone that our economy is in collapse mode. I gave valid reasons for such. We let our corporations send manufacturing jobs overseas, and we been the consumers and not the builders. I said two and a half months ago when posting the FSC Rates, I will discontinue because fuel will hit $50-55/barrel, I said the Dow will hit 5,500. Well oil is now below expectations and dropping, Dow is at 7500 and dropping, and our economy is coming to an end. Yes, gold will hit record highs. You have not seen such yet, but I can guarantee it will hit $1200 with-in 6 months and still climb. Point here is where will the trucking community be in 6 months?
The expected unionization of drivers is vital to solidify trucking rates. If not portal extraction of goods will look like scraps on the table and vultures last meals. This whole thing started out much differently. It started as a result of steamship bully's , brandishing their volume , to secure below market drays, and free services. Years we been putting up with these as a sorry state of affairs. If cost are not equalized to carriers now, standards of pay are not confirmed by unionization, there will be nothing left to fight over. Folks I don't paint a pretty picture anymore, because I am numb. I cannot explain how devastating this has been to me personally. I saw it happening, I yelled , screamed, emailed, called, and did all in my power to let the powers to be see the light.
I will work this problem to the best of my abilities. I will continue to push for unionization of truckers, now as a means of not killing each other via rate reductions. Its all changed. If not, I do not believe even the strongest will survive.
Some here might believe I am crazy for stating those opinions. Well I say, I hope upon hope I am wrong. I hope I am just another wacko. The sky is falling sort of thing. If I am right however, if what I see happening is correct, gentleman and ladies, nothing I say here will have much matter. It might all be too late as we speak. Clinton and Bush will go down in history as the largest of large culprits in this whole mess, along with each and every member of Congress and our Senate being the tools that put all of this in motion, pushed it , and gave it speed. I am so very sorry. I am taking a couple weeks off to attend to some business. I will make another post in a couple weeks , but for now I am leaving the board.
Post by pkd5757 on Nov 20, 2008 19:50:00 GMT -5
Don't go too far Pete! Hurry back, it's time to stop the bickering here and move on toward our goals. When it all happens there won't be a driver in a port not wanting to join. And many company drivers will be lining up to buy trucks. Enjoy the time away!
Post by shortcircut on Nov 20, 2008 20:08:03 GMT -5
First of all , to let every one know, Paul Y and I (Paul B) have agreed to a truce. We both have opinions on what should be done, though they are both different. Basically we agree that we disagree , but will try to respect each other's and everyone elses opinion. Second, I gave him an idea today, to which they may wish to consider to use and research. Also I expressed my fear that the Port directors are just manuvering the OOC in the same manner that they did with the other groups. The port people take courses on "how to manage drivers" , so they may manupilate the drivers into thinking ideas are their own, and to thinking they are making progress and in reality they are not. Ultimately , what I see that needs to be done is, that people from each port area in the US, need to find a way to have some kind of convention, to discuss the general problems on how to deal with the SSlines, the Ports and the drivers as a whole . I know this is alot to ask ( especially financially) but if it could be done, just like thses big national truck shows, I believe the attendance will grow drastically each year. How ever, can this be done legally , with out the influence or attendance of those mentioned ( port people and Ship lines) in an area agreed by everyone, East Coast, West Coast, and Gulf states
Post by HardTimeTrucker on Nov 20, 2008 23:02:28 GMT -5
Honest question here... The ILA certainly has the infrastructure and the resources to initiate a program such as you mentioned. Why haven't they done so? I think it's hard to convince someone to take what they perceive as a "chance" and if a program were to be implied by the ILA across the board with their direction and support it would be an easy sell. Why are they not doing so?
Yes we agree, it is hard to convince a large organization such as the ILA to take on an extreme risk but that is exactly what happened before driver involvement with the Teamsters several years back. Perhaps someone in your leadership that was around at that time can explain? If not there are a few Virginia truckers who helped work directly on the ILA / trucker joint project. During this time period International President John Bowers including several members of his executive board supported the drivers request for help in Charleston, Savannah, and Jacksonville. They also represented truckers in Baltimore, MD. with legal help after a week long strike took place. As to why are they not doing so now? Would your group be aware if they actually were working on something until it was officially announced?
Post by HardTimeTrucker on Nov 20, 2008 23:21:16 GMT -5
OK, Paul #one and #two. Glad things seem to be working out somewhat between the parties involved at your home port. I like your second idea also. Drivers made a meeting like this happen in November of 1999 including trucker leaders from the ports of Seattle, LA, Long Beach, Houston, Baltimore, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Savannah, and Charleston, SC as that was the city where everyone traveled to meet for a day long meeting. Three major trucking publications sent reporters there to Charleston, SC to interview truckers involved because of trucker work actions that had been taking place at over a dozen ports nationwide. Scott Loftis then editor of "The Trucker News" came himself to do a special article on trucker unrest at the ports.
Post by OOC on Nov 21, 2008 13:57:37 GMT -5
OK, Paul #one and #two. Glad things seem to be working out somewhat between the parties involved at your home port. I like your second idea also. Drivers made a meeting like this happen in November of 1999 including trucker leaders from the ports of Seattle, LA, Long Beach, Houston, Baltimore, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Savannah, and Charleston, SC as that was the city where everyone traveled to meet for a day long meeting. Three major trucking publications sent reporters there to Charleston, SC to interview truckers involved because of trucker work actions that had been taking place at over a dozen ports nationwide. Scott Loftis then editor of "The Trucker News" came himself to do a special article on trucker unrest at the ports. Good idea indeed.
Post by shortcircut on Nov 21, 2008 17:34:20 GMT -5
My question about having a meeting is, can we do it leaglly and keep it for drivers only, so that we can keep the SS Lines and carriers ( unless approved) out so we as drivers can discuss ways to better our working conditions. I don't know about you guys, but, I am getting pretty D*A*M*N* tired of sitting in lines. just yesterday I had a chassis rejected by the M&R inspector , after, I had a can mounted on it. They sent me to M&R to get one brake adjusted, another to get the doors looked at( the crows foot was outside of the keeper) , only to get the paper work stamped because they could not remove the seal. then I had to go get in the back of the line and wait another 40 minutes to get reinspected, only to be sent BACK to M&R to get the outbound interchange stamped. This S*H*I*T* on the ports needs to stop.
Post by tidewaterhustler on Nov 21, 2008 21:18:29 GMT -5
So you just call for a closed door meeting. Do they invite you to their conventions, seminars, meetings? I don't see the problem here?
Post by pinlock on Nov 23, 2008 17:37:56 GMT -5
Great, everyone hugged and made up. So now what is the Virginia plan besides talking with those bozos' over at the port. They employee port management who specialize in forming committees to talk in circle-jerk language. When is the next driver meeting? Everyone better be worried about stopping this LA clean truck plan.
Post by petedabroker on Nov 23, 2008 19:55:28 GMT -5
I have a little more time to post. Looks like my busy week will be next week or the week after. The ship we targeted to load, will not call the port we need, so vessel got changed, and now I can post a few more days or so.
Last year, for me anyhow was a good year. My tax bill exceeded $75000. During the year I make estimated payments each quarter, thus keeping any interest owed to a minimum. Upon my last payment at year end, I received a tax bill for $6.00. So just like any good tax payer, I sent in the six dollars, all in pennies, all in a small flat rated post office box. About three weeks later, the box was returned , saying I cannot pay in pennies, with an attached bill of $7.68, my original $6.00 plus $1.68 in interest. I sent out Six one dollar bills, and the seventh with about 68/100th left after I split the dollar up. Again I got a letter with my money inside, with a letter saying , I should not destroy U.S. Treasury money, and they will not accept any cash, along with a bill for $8.44 cent, telling me to send a wire transfer, check or money order. Realizing I was not going to be able to beat this whole thing, I sent a check for $8.44 cents, saying I believed they only dealt in terms of dollars and not cents anymore. So why do I keep getting a bill on tax owed plus interest, in less than full dollar amounts? Never got any response yet. Now I give my estimates. My original $6.00 in pennies, cost me about $7.50 to send it. Yes, I lost. But the IRS sent it back I guess costing the same. They send my other money back too. They had to spend I guess about a half hour on the letters to me, at the employee cost of 47/hr, cut in half would equal $23.50 overhead cost to them. OK, they got me for $7.50, .41 cents X two for the cash and letter sending the check. That equals $8.32. Their cost was $31.41 to collect my $6.00 after I already paid them over $75,000. Just my way of getting a little even. The point I am making here is ,# one, look at all the expense the IRS will go through just to collect $6.00. But the most important point here was not mentioned. I called for a flat tax charge for years. I sent hundreds of letters to the IRS, Congress, and our State Senators. Not one even sent me a letter back, that was not their normal form letters, thanking me for being such a good citizen. Puke! I asked for a flat tax on your gross sales, gross income. Not your net, not after all those famous deductions, mostly the rich can take or fake, but on the gross income. Now you can realize they charge tax on a fluctuating basis, mostly on the more you make the more you are taxed, until you get really high , then they charge nothing. Tax ranges from say 15% to 38% or more , based on the net. Now if we are based on the gross, that percentage could be say 4.5% on everyone. That would mean that any firm selling anything could figure out very easy, exactly what they owe the Feds, and actually put that cost onto the cost of the sale of the product. It could be collected just like a sales tax is collected. Each week or month , as a business man I would write a check to the Feds. So simple and yet so fair. I could care less if others made Five Trillion per year. We all now pay the exact same rate. OMG Fair, equal, and all the same, so a very large maker of gadgets, could not get tax breaks, and the small maker of gadgets would have the same tax cost as the big guy. I came to realize , its too fair, believe it or not. It levels the playing field too much. Under this program, if I make $200,000 per year I would pay the Feds $9,000. Hell I would be willing to pay more if they would stop spending everything I give them on junk.
The Feds are no different than your kids. Really!!!!! How many times do you give a kid $20.00 on Friday, actually believing thats all they will need for the weekend? Then Saturday comes along and they need another $50.00 for that baseball bat, then comes Sunday and they are going with a friend and their parents to the movies, yep, another $20.00. Its f-en never ending and so are the Feds, never ending. I think the Feds are much worse. I believe they are all on Crack or Heroin, or worse. They got to have a gambling or drug problem. I cannot figure out how they spend all that money. Its got to be drugs. So I am left to play little games. OK, it makes me feel better, almost like flushing drugs down the toilet on the Feds. LOL